
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

M.O.V.I.E M.A.R.A.T.H.O.N ;-)

Weekend was indeed a movie day!=)
So we spent our weekend watching some movies..Dark Flight & Mirror Mirror

DARK FLIGHT (Thai Horror)
(Not recommended for the faint-hearted~huhu)

It's all about da spirit things that seek revenge...


(Seriously hillarious!)

Think U've watched a Snow White tale before?well try this..!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

There's this guy, who started reading......=)

OMG..can't believe he started reading books about relationship!can't you imagine?? A guy reading a book of relationship-which I found sweet of him..alalaaa..^o^..coz normally a guy will only seek advice bout 'da relationship thing' from their  guy friends or sumtimes just keep it by themselves..huhu..Good Effort..thumbs Up!v^^,v

(p/s:maybe I shud bought him a book entitled "When Mars Meets Venus"..qt interesting book abt relationships..=P..)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bila April..!

APRIL datang lagi..=D
Kalau sebut bulan April..msti familliar dgn April Fool kan..haha! on 01 April awal2 pagi lg kwn aku, c Cat sdh kc wakenabeb aku ar..aduii..ckp pla benda2 psl kawen2,mestilah aku pcaya trus..sdhlah dia mmg bukan kaki kelentong pny kwn..hidup2 aku kena tipu..uwawa..bulih2 aku lupa plak masuk bln April suda..lepas ni klo ada org bgtau aku benda2 pelik kompom aku xpecaya pny..hahah..sekurang2nya mst bjaga2 la d bulan ni..bulan mengenakan org..:P..I Love April baa..:)